Comfort Eats Delivers to Budapest

As an American expat living abroad, I was thrilled to share some of my American favorites with my little one. Every bite taste like home. ⠀
When Brittany over Comfort Eats Delivery contacted me, I was pleasantly surprised at the amazing variety offered on her online store.⠀
You’ll love filling your cart with amazing treats that show up to your doorstep within a week. ⠀

During the quarantine, I've been missing home and family. But this box brought me so much happiness and joy that I had to share with all of you.
I couldn't miss Girl Scout season again so I for sure put a box in the cart, Reese's peanut butter cups, RX bars, Tajin, Sour patch kids, and my all-time favorite Pirate's Booty! Yum, Yum, yummy!⠀
Head on over and make your wishlist today, and share it with your friends and family!
Who doesn't want a box of treats sent to your doorstep during this pandemic?
You're welcome expats!
This is an American Expat Dream! You're welcome.
As an expat do you miss certain foods from your home country?