Black Girl In Budapest

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Budapest Facebook Groups For Expats

Moving to Budapest and looking to get connected? Well, Facebook is one of your biggest resources. From groups to events, there are various ways to make life as an expat bearable.

You can join these expat groups before you move or the moment you land. I would start with the search bar inside the groups to get, as I’m sure someone has already asked the question that you are thinking of. This will help you also get familiar with the group’s culture as each group has a rhythm and flow!

Expat Groups

Budapest Expats Group


Hungary Immigration Help

Mom Groups

Expat Moms and Dads Budapest

Budapest Expat Moms

Expat Moms in Budapest Exchange

Moms' Sharing Circle Budapest

Women Groups

Women of Budapest

Women's Community of Budapest

YOGA in English Budapest

Being Black In Budapest

Black Girl In Budapest Group

Black Girl Hair Budapest

If there are any questions I could answer for you, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Not a bother!