Black Girl In Budapest

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RTL KLUB Fókusz Interview With BGIB

It was such an honor to be approached by reporter Süle László of RTK Klub Television. My family and blog were featured on their program Fókusz. We spent the morning at City Park where we walked the Vajdahunyad Castle grounds, visited the Agricultural Museum and strolled through the beautiful Hero’s Square.

Although the interview was done in english, it of course had to be translated for the Hungarian network. Sorry for those english speakers who can’t understand the video, I’m working on getting the english version.

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Here are some of the behind the scenes pictures of our day with the film crew!

Check out the pictures of the grounds below. It’s a must see in Budapest.

We also filmed a tv show, for an American network, where you can learn more about how we were House Hunters International.

What did you think of the interview? Let me know in the comment section below.